24th February, 2021, 3:27 AM

Mathematicians say LIFE is like a line segment drawn from point B to point D.

What is point B to point D?

It's from point of Birth(B) to point of Death(D).
So life starts from the moment we are Born(B) until the day we Die(D).

But in the middle of B(Birth) and D(Death) is a mysterious C. 

What is C then?It is CHRIST.

If we put Christ in the middle of our life(Birth--->Christ--->Death) our life will not end at D but extend to E.

What is E? It's Eternal Life.

So all those who put Christ in the middle of their life have Eternal life after Death

But those who do not put Christ in the middle of their lives don't have Eternal life after Death but they have F(Fire)..
Therefore the mathematical Equation or Definition of Life For Christians is

B   +   C   +    D       =   E
Birth+Christ+Death= Eternal Life

And the mathematical Equation or Definition Of Life For Unbelievers:

(B   -  C ) + D      =   F
Birth - Christ + Death =   Fire

Any one that avoids C must surely lose E 

For scriptural references, please check the following

1John 5:11-13   Acts 4:12   John 5:34   Rom 10:1   John 3:16 & 17   Rev 20:11-15

There's always blessing in sharing....   so share with others. He that wins a soul is wise!!! 

Can you pls do some Evangelism NOW by sharing ??


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